whats your favorite persona 4 character? have you ever played persona 3?

Naoto is one of my favorite characters of all time! I actually got into persona because of her (and the fact that she’s voiced by my favorite seiyuu) lmao
And yes i have, i’ve played all persona games except for the first one and the arenas (i still intend to play them sometime though)

Hello wanna tell me about Sorey/Mikleo and Kiriha/Nene :0


sorey/mikleo is perfect, i love it with all my heart. it’s a trope i’m totally weak to and they complement each other in every way possible and trust each other unconditionally and are basically two halves of a single whole. also the fact that it’s a pretty much canon gay couple (if you consider word of god) with a happy ending (against all the odds) fills me with joy

kiriha/nene is a ship i don’t have any strong feelings for, i don’t mind it, i think they are compatible and could work as a couple but for a canon couple they had very little development so i don’t really feel it

[seductively slides into dms] any brutal/honest thoughts on rei/ai or mimi/miyako?

I’ve never considered rei/ai before, ai is a sweet and kind girl but she’s also rigid when she has to be and takes no shit so she could be a good influence on rei, but i can’t really see it happening, i don’t think they have enough in common to get that close…

as for mimi/miyako: I LOVE IT. two strong and confident girls with a very positive relationship based on admiration and support. fucking power couple. i don’t get why it isn’t more popular, i mean, they literally threw an utena reference on us, that’s pretty fucking gay
