
[The Only Lovers Left Alive] PREORDER EDITION


R-15 / 34 pages / $30 USD

Summary: Sorey gets seriously injured. Upon seeing his blood spilled, Mikleo loses himself…

First 50 orders gets:
-a 5×7 print of the cover
-an exclusive summer sormik charm! (these will not be sold outside of this bundle!! ….unless i have extras)

the charm is
– 7cm
-epoxy (basically unbreakable!)

intended ship date is sometime by the end of August or the beginning of September!






It’s that time of Gen again. That’s right, it’s time to find out which Pokemon type is the most popular through a short poll… only now, we have technology!

So basically, this time around, I’m asking a few additional (optional) questions just to see what kind of trends we can observe based on type preferences (and just some questions I’m curious about). For example, are those who like Fire types more into competitive battling on average? Are Normal type lovers older on average than everyone else? Which type preference tends towards the strongest mathematical ability? Is it possible to ask too many rhetorical questions at once? 

Anyways, I’m not actually expecting any significant correlations here, so please don’t get too excited, but on the off chance some major ones do appear, maybe we can learn something interesting about this fandom? Of course, all that really only works with a large sample size so please fill out this survey and encourage as many people as you know who are into Pokemon to do the same! I don’t really know when I’ll be closing this survey, since I wanna get as many answers as possible, but since I wanna use my company’s data analytics software to consolidate some of this stuff I need to get started before August, so very tentatively I’m gonna say this survey will close on July 13th. Why July 13th? Well, I needed a day in July I’d remember and I used to know someone whose birthday was July 13th. But if I don’t get as many responses as I’d like, then I’ll extend it of course. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that? Either way, I’ll post the results… some time after that but before September. Depends on how long analyzing the data takes. 

But yeah, thanks for your time and hopefully we’re all consistently weird enough that we find out something cool! 

Oh, and you need to sign in to Google (although you’ll still be anonymous) to be able to take the survey… let me know if that’s a problem for anyone and we’ll work something out!

Click here to take the survey! 

Just over a week later and I’ve had over 1,000 responses, which is absolutely incredible. I told myself when I made the survey that I would extend the deadline until I got 1,000 responses, I didn’t see it happening this early. Anyways, because of this, July 13th is in fact the hard deadline to take the survey now. While 1,000 is great, I’d love to get many more! In particular, this is because:

1. In the Eeveelution question, one Eeveelution has been in the lead for the entire survey’s duration, but the second place Eeveelution has been narrowing the gap steadily as I get more responses. 

2. In one of the other questions, the top 2 choices have been neck and neck since the survey came out, to the point where they had the exact same number of votes several times, and the current leader is ahead by only 8 votes.

Obviously, I’m being vague because I don’t want to influence results, but just want people to vote more in all categories, so yeah, if you haven’t taken the survey yet and want to, or know anyone else who might want to, you’ve got about 2 weeks!

Responses have slowed down so I may be about at the end here, either way there’s a whole week left so tell your friends and take the survey if you haven’t!

I’ve been looking over the data and while a good portion of it seems to be largely random, there are in fact several interesting trends, to the point where whoever just submitted the survey, I saw their response partly and was like “oh, their favorite type is Flying? Well, based on the trends so far, they’re probably…” and I was in fact correct, so we’re gonna have some fun when I compile everything. 

Two more reminders including this one, survey ends this Friday and then it will be 1 to 31 days while I try to consolidate everything, so be sure to get your responses or the responses of someone you know in! Everything I said last time is still true, it’s possible that the results might change with just a few more votes, so yeah. 


Here’s Toga’s prototype design from the omake in the Boku No Hero Academia Vol. 19 manga.

A few interesting things to note is that Horikoshi had a hard time figuring out her hairstyle in her prototype design and a possible trait of hers is that she can fall in love with anyone regardless of gender.

T/N: Please note that this is just the prototype version of Toga, and there is no confirmation on whether everything written here in Horikoshi’s notes is present in the final character. However, it’s cool how he thought about having Toga be bi or pan.